(Rochester, NY)-If a person crumpled to the ground near you, would you know what to do? If that person was unconscious, what would you do next?
During the week of May 21-25, in observation of National Emergency Medical Services Week, American Medical Response (AMR) operations across the country will partner with ACEP & IAFC to train thousands of people to save lives through compression-only CPR. Compression-only CPR is easy to learn and can keep a cardiac arrest victim alive until paramedics arrive.
AMR Rochester groups to teach the compression-only CPR technique, which takes less than five minutes to learn.
“While our paramedics often get to an emergency quickly, during cardiac arrest immediate action can make the difference,” said LaShay Harris, business development manager/PIO of AMR Rochester. “Compression-only CPR can help save lives and is easy to perform. We hope that schools, businesses and other groups will take this opportunity to get trained in compression-only CPR at no cost, making our community an even safer place to live. Our primary goal is to save as many lives as possible, and we hope we can get more people excited about learning CPR by being part of a nationwide event.”
Locally, AMR partnered with Foodlink to provide FREE Compression-only CPR Training at select Curbside Market locations during EMS Week. (See attached schedule in flyer). Foodlink’s Curbside Market is a mobile farmers market that sells fresh, affordable produce in under-served communities. It visits dozens of sites – such as federally qualified health centers, low-income housing facilities and senior centers – and allows customers who shop with SNAP benefits to double their purchase.
“Foodlink has transformed from a food bank to one of the region’s leading public health organizations, said Florence Clemmons, Curbside Market Manager for Foodlink. “The Curbside Market allows residents at risk of food insecurity to make the healthy choice the easy choice. We’re excited to pair with AMR Rochester for this initiative to ensure that our customers learn the necessary skills to make a difference, and possibly save a life.”
Compression-only CPR allows bystanders to keep blood flowing through a victim’s body just by pressing on the chest in a hard, fast rhythm. It has proven to be effective in saving lives.
To find out more about compression-only CPR and find out how your group can be part of this event, please visit www.amr.net/CPR or call LaShay Harris at 585-530-1232.