(Rochester, NY) Monroe County Democratic Committee held its Designating Convention for State & Local positions on the ballot in November. Below is the list of designated candidates.
New York State Senator, District 54 - Kenan Baldridge
New York State Senator, District 55 - Jen Lunsford
New York State Senator, District 56 - Jeremy Cooney
New York State Senator, District 61 - Joan Elizabeth Seamans
New York State Assembly, District 135 - Andrew Gilchrist
New York State Assembly, District 136 - Jamie Romeo
New York State Assembly, District 137 - David Gantt
New York State Assembly, District 138 - Harry B. Bronson
Monroe County Family Court Judge - Fatimat Reid
Monroe County Family Court Judge - Zuleika Shepard
Monroe County Legislature, District 1 - Michelle Ames
Rochester City Court - Michael Lopez
Rochester City School Board Member - Melanie Funchess
Rochester City School Board Member - Beatriz LeBron