Parents/Legal Guardian: You can access your children’s grades, assignments and other student-specific information through both RCSDlink and ParentCONNECTxp.
If you are not currently registered with ParentCONNECTxp or RCSDlink, register now and we will send you a special password to access your student’s information in both systems. If you are already a registered ParentCONNECTxp user, you will receive a letter with a special password. This gives you access to your student’s information in RCSDLink.
Parent Designees: An approval is required from our legal department for non-parent/guardian accounts. Please note the school must have you listed as a contact prior to your request.
Student Access: Student do not need to request an account; student accounts are automatically created, and login information is sent directly to student rcsd121.org gmail accounts.
For instructions on how to access rcsd121.org gmail accounts, students can check with their classroom teacher or school librarian.
About ParentCONNECTxp & RCSDlink:Parent CONNECTxp and RCSDlink are both designed to improve communication between school and home to support student achievement, one using your desktop computer and the other on your mobile device. Through these secure online systems, you will be able to check your child’s academic progress from any computer, any time. ParentCONNECTxp and RCSDlink include homework assignments, grades, class scores, class and school attendance, and the ability to communicate with your child's teacher!
Two Ways to Access with Unique Features:
If you need more information, questions, or have feedback about ParentCONNECTxp or RCSDlink, please contact us: 585-262-8568 | [email protected] | [email protected]