Recruiting New Allies


In the fight for equity, there are times where I wonder if anything we do is making a difference.

Fighting to dismantle structural and institutional racism in our society at times feels like pushing against a mountain; a mountain of ignorance, apathy, lack of courage and humanity - most of all the absence of equity and Love.

To all parents (especially white parents in highly segregated spaces): if you talk to your kids about drugs because it’s important to their welfare; you should also talk to your kids about race.

To Leaders on all levels: when you look around your company, department and teams and you see the absence of African-Americans, Hispanics, all marginalized people, it should be a call to action for you to do something ! Do what ?: have an honest and open conversation about race and inequality. Begin the work to dismantle the social construct and system of institutional racism that created this outcome.

In closing: When you choose to ignore the inequity you see around you every day - you are no longer an observer in this system, you have become the owner and the architect of it. If we believe, as I do, that the lack of attention to climate change will eventually destroy our world.

It is not a stretch to believe that the lack of progress in our fight for greater equity for all is slowly destroying our Hearts and our Spirit. The Covid-19 pandemic has inadvertently provided us all with a new frame, or lens, in which to view the inequities we have been living with for some time.

I pray this new oneness of suffering and need will translate into a oneness of Spirit, Love and a desire to change our World for the better. What keeps me going to fight another day ...... my Faith and Hope.

Kevin Spencer Beckford Councilman Pittsford, NY Town Board UR Director Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
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