Local Black History, Rochester, NY
“You don’t have to worry about the opposition, just raise the bar so high that only the champs can go over. The amateurs will all have to slide underneath it.”-Dr. Freddie L. Thomas
Freddie Levy Thomas
Born: February 10, 1918, Norfolk, Virginia Died: February 24, 1974, Rochester, New York Married: Midge Banks, February 9, 1957 Parents: James Thomas and Hattie Armstrong Siblings: Sisters: Muriel, Shirley, Rebecca
Brothers: Iris and Gene
Education: B.S. Wagner College, New York Albany Medical School (1952) University of Rochester (1972)
Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, NY Research Technologist (1952-1960)
University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry Rochester, NY Research Assistant (1961-66) Research Associate (1966-1972)
Membership Held:
Visiting Lecturer-Howard University
African Studies Research (1972-73)
AAA, Univ. Archaeology. Soc.;
Brigham Young Univ.;
Math Assn. Amer.;
Soc. Photographic Science & Engineers;
Tissue Culture Assoc.;
Assn. Study, Negro Life, History;
Phi Sigma Kappa;
Rochester C of C;
Rochester Academy Sci.;
N.Y. Academy Sci.;
Hist. of Sci. Soc.;
Soc. Amer. Historians, Inc.;
Amer. Assoc. Hist. Med. Inc.;
Sigma Xi;
Soc. Appl Anthropology; Mason, A.F.
Soc. Soc. Cryobiology.;
Pakistan Assn.; Advance Sci.; Radiation Res. Soc. International
Platform Assn.;
Ghana Science Association;
Publisher & Editor:
The Evidence Newspaper;
Former ed.-Rochester Peoples Weekly
Invited Lectures: Extensively throughout the United States, Canada, and Bermuda and Internationally on African and Afro American History
The 1st International Congress of The Transplantation Society, Paris, France, (June 26-30, 1967)
-Rhodes Scholar Nominee, Wagner College
-Outstanding Achievement Award by Natl. Assn. Negro
Business And Professional Women’s Assn., Rochester chapter
-1964 Parents and Students Want To Know Group Award for Community service, Rochester, NY (1968)
Areas of Research:
-Cell Biology
-Tissue Culture
-Photographic Science
-African History
-Philosophies of the East (Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.)
Scientific Listings: -Who’s Who in American Education (1965-66; 1966-67)
-Leaders in American Science (Vols. 5, 6, 7,
-Combined Listings of Mathematicians (1966)
-American Men of Science, Physical and Biological
-11thEd. (1967) Who’s Who in the East 12thEd
-Dictionary of International Biography 5thEd
-Who’s Who in Biomedical Engineering, (1967-68)
1. Thomas, F. L.: In Reply to the Question of the Repatriation of the Negro. The Norfolk Journal and Guide Newspaper, (April 17, 1943)
2. Thomas, F. L.: History of the African in Asia, the Empire Star Newspaper Buffalo, N.Y. (June 6, 1957, through December 19, 1958)
3. Thomas, F. L.: Negro Members of Parliament. The Empire Star Newspaper Buffalo, N.Y. (1958)
4. Thomas, F.L.: And Cramer, L. M.: A New Chamber and Perfusion System for General and Specialized in Vitro Studies (Tissue Culture Assoc. Annual Meet, Abstract Papers) Miami Beach, Florida, (May 31-June 3, 1965, 16, No.94, 1965), Current Tissue Literature by M.R. Murray and G.Kopech. New York, October House (1965), V: 29 (1965)
5. Thomas, F.L.: And Cramer, L.M.: A Chamber and Perfusion system or Generalized and Specialized in Vitro Studies. Texas Reports Biol. Med., 24:700-11 (1966)
6. Thomas, F.L.: And Cramer, L.M.: Biaxial, Oriented Polystyrene: An inert Substrate and Diffusion Membrane for use in Tissue Culture. Texas Reports Biol. Med.24:712-19 (1966).
7. Thomas, F.L.: The Role of History in Black Power. Black Power Conference, Newark, N.J. (1967)
8. Thomas, F.L.: A New Perfusion System for General and Specific in Vitro Continuous Growth Cultures. In Vitro, Ann. Symposium Abstract, Tissue Culture Assoc. Vol. 111p.173 (1968)
9. Thomas, F.L.: Sherman F. Stewart, J.W. Parker, J Putterman, J. G. and Margoliash, E.: The Mutational Alteration of Iso-l-cytochrome (c) from Yeast.
10. (Gordisky, R. Tanner, T. and Thomas, F.: technical assistance), United States Atomic Energy Commission at the University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project, Rochester, New York. Report No. UR-49-918.
11. Gilmore, R.A., Stewart, J.W. and Sherman, F.: Amino acid replacements resulting from super- suppression of a nonsense mutant of yeast, technical assistance: Shipman, N., Thomas, F.L. and Regan, P.) Biochim, Biophysic Acta, 161, pp. 270-272 (1968)
12. Sherman F., Stewart, J.W., Parker, J., Inhaber, E. and Shipman, N.A.: The Mutational Alteration of the Primary Structure of Yeast Iso-l cytochrome c (technical assistance: Campbell, W., Thomas, F.L. and McLaughlin, E.P.). Jour. Biol. Chem. 243:20, pp., 5446-5456, October 25, (1968)
13. Sherman, F., Stewart, J.W., Cravens, M., Thomas, F.L. and Shipman, N.: different action of UV on a nonsense codon located at two different positions in the isolcytochrome c gene of yeast, Genetics 61, s55 (1969).
14. Stewart, J.W., Sherman, F., Shipman, N, Thomas, F.L., and Cravens, M.: Longer and Shorter Chain Initiator Mutants of Baker’s Yeast, Federation Proc. 28, 597 (1969)
15. Thomas, F.L.: And Cramer, L.M.: Thomas and Cramer chamber in Methods in Microbiology edited by J.R. Norris and D.W. Ribbons. Academic Press, London and New York. Vol. I, Chapter X Section (j), pp. 395, 404, 424, (1969) 1
6. Lawrence, C.W., Stewart, J.W., Sherman, F. and Thomas, F.L.: Mutagenesis in Ultraviolet-sensitive mutants of yeast. (Genetics 64:S36-S37 (1970)
17. Poyton, R.O. and Branton, D.: A Multipurpose Micro perfusion Chamber Experimental Cell Research 60, 109 114 (1970). Cited on p.113, 114: F.L. Thomas and L.M.Cramer.
18. Gilmore, R.A., Stewart, J.W., and Sherman, F.: Amino Acid Replacement resulting from super- suppression of nonsense mutants of iso- cytochrome c from yeast. (Thomas, F.L., Shipman and Regan, P., technical assistance). J. Mol Biol. 61
19. Stewart, J.W. Sherman, F., Shipman, N.A. and Jackson, M.: Identification and Mutational Relocation of the AUG Codon Initiating Translation of Iso-l-cytochrome c in Yeast. (Thomas, F.L., Brockman, N. and Risen, E., technical assistance) J. Biol. Chem. 246:24, 7429-7445 (1971)
20. Thomas, F.L.: Perfusion Staining and Microphotography of Viable Cells in The Thomas- Cramer Perfusion Chamber. (Paper read before the 4th International Congress of Cytology; London, England, (May 1971)
Invited participation in the following:
∞ West African Historical Society Conference- Sierra Leone (April 1971);
∞ 3rd International Congress of Experimental Cytology Rio Janeiro, Brazil (May 1968);
∞ Annual Conference on Photography for Scientists and Engineers Boston (June 1968);
∞ Tissue Culture Association-Puerto Rico (June1968); ∞ 12th International Congress of the History of Science-Paris, France (August 1968);
∞ 21st International Congress of the History of Medicine-Siena, Italy (September1968);
∞ 2nd International Congress of the Transplantation Society, New York (Fall, 1968);
∞ 7th International Congress International Academy of Pathology-Milan, Italy (September 5-11, 1968);
∞ XI International Congress of Microbiological Standardization-Milan, Italy (September 16-20, 1968);
∞ The American Electroencephalographic Society Meeting-San Francisco, Calif. (September 12-15, 1968);
∞ XII International Congress of Cell Biology, Brussels, Belgium (August 25-31, 1968);
∞ 3rd International Health Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark (August, 1968);
∞ 12th International Congress of Genetics, Tokyo (August 1968); 145
∞ 11th Congreso de la Asociacion Latinoamericana de Sociedades de Biologia
∞ Medicina Nuclear-Buenos Aires, (November 14-17, 1968);
∞ 10thAll-Pakistan Medical Conference, Dacca (November 14-17, 1968);
Memberships and Honors: Member of the Royal of Health (London), 1969 Member of the Royal Canadian Institute, (Toronto), 1969 Invited Membership: Association Internationale D' Orientation Scolaire ET Professionelle, (Luxembourg), 1969
Invited participation: Third International Symposium on Yeasts, (The Hague), June 26th, 1969 17th Annual Meeting Radiation Research Society Cincinnati, May 18-22, 1969 Second International Conference on Medical Physics (Boston), August 11-15, 1969
Guest Lecturer: Black Youth Organization, (Newark, N.J.) 1969
Combined Faculties of The Rochester Colgate Divinity School and St. Bernard’s Seminary, (Rochester), 1969
Association International Des Sciences De l’ Education, (Paris, France), 1969
Black Student Organization, Oberlin College (Oberlin, Ohio), 1969
Invited participant:
Jack and Jill Inc, Rochester Chapter, Rochester, N.Y. 1969; 15th International Convention on Civilization Diseases, Vital Substances, Nutrition, (Hanover, West Germany), (1969)
Third Congress of The Organ Transplantation Society, (Rome Italy), (1969)
54th Meeting of the Association for the Study of Negro Life & History (Birmingham, Alabama) (1969)
Fourth Annual Illinois Conference on Afro American History, Northern Illinois, University of DeKalb, Illinois, (1969)
Annual Alumni Award for 1969,Wagner College, Staten Island, New York), (1969)
Invitations, Honors and Participations:
Black Student Union, Monroe Community College, Rochester, NY, (lecture) (1970)
Exhibition from private collection: 40 posters in the Rochester, NY Midtown Plaza for Rochester Chapter of the National 147
Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Club Inc., Rochester, NY (1970)
Annual Meeting of the International Platform Association, Washington D.C. (1970)
First International Congress of Immunology, Washington, D.C. (1970)
Intercontinental Biographical Association, Dartmouth, England (1970)
The Institute for Advanced Technology, Washington, D.C. (1970)
1970 (Tentative)
Panelist: Monroe Community College, Rochester, N.Y. (1970);
Third Annual Conference: Association of Afro American Educators, Washington D.C. (1970)
The 13th Annual Meeting of the Society for the History of Technology, Chicago, Illinois (1970) 72nd
General Meeting, Archaeological Institute of America, New York City (1970)
The Western Society of Naturalists, Honolulu, Hawaii (1970)
History of Science Society, Chicago, Illinois (1970)
Intercontinental Biographical Association Dartmouth: Devon England (1970)
Creative and Successful Personalities of the World, Los Angeles, Calif. (1970)
Symposium on Microwave Power, Monterey Calif. (1971);
Participant (paper presented) Fourth International Congress of Cytology, London, England (1971)
Black History Exhibit for National Association of Negro
Business and Professional Clubs, Inc., Rochester, NY (1971)
Invited Exhibitor:
Rochester Museum and Science Center, Rochester, NY 1971
Lecture: Black Student Association: St. John Fisher College Rochester, NY (1971)
Invited Participation:
72nd Meeting, American Society of Microbiology, Philadelphia, Pa. (1972