Our primary initiative is the Lead Hazard Control Program which allows for financial assistance to control and/or eliminate lead based paint hazards. Supplemental funding is offered to address other non-lead environmental health hazards. The goal of the program is to reduce the incidence of child lead poisoning by expanding the availability of lead-safe housing.
he winter months can be challenging for low-income property owners to maintain their furnaces and hot water tanks. The city offers an Emergency Assistance Repair Program to replace hot water tanks and furnaces for owner-occupants. The City works with local contractors that are a phone call away to provide services within 24 hours.
Each year the City works to target a specific neighborhood to offer a housing repair program. This year, we are offering a program in the southeast neighborhood located in “EMMA”, East Main Mustard Atlantic neighborhood. Eligible property owners may receive assistance for home repairs for lead hazard control and code compliance.
One of the most important elements of a home is the roof. Roofs are expensive to maintain and very costly to replace and if left neglected, can lead to serious problems, both inside and outside the property. As the City’s housing stock continues to age, roof replacement becomes a more urgent concern for many property owners. In response to this, the City offers an Owner-Occupant Roofing program. The program provides financial assistance for roof replacement, which includes gutters/downspouts, flashing, chimney repair and soffits. Thirty percent (30%) of the funding is set aside for senior citizens.
A summary of these programs with information about where and how to apply are listed below.
For more information, call Business & Housing Development at (585) 428-6912.