Mayor Warren Launches Conference for Adults


After developing successful annual conferences designed to inspire young women and young men in Rochester, Mayor Lovely Warren is launching a third program aimed at inspiring and informing Rochester adults who want to be empowered.

"Each day, I receive numerous calls from residents asking for assistance on a variety of matters, such has how to better advocate for their children, manage their finances or even how to successfully navigate friendships and community relationships," Mayor Warren said. "That is why I am hosting this conference, to connect our residents to service providers from the private sector, city and county government and other agencies to help equip people with the knowledge and resources to empower them."

Inspiring Our Community: Today, tomorrow and always! is scheduled for Oct. 13, 2018 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center. Registration is required, and the event is limited to 300 city residents: 150 men and 150 women. The cost is $10 for the day. In addition to inspirational talks, the conference participants can pick from several workshops covering topics such as starting a business, advocating for your kids and connecting with the right people to achieve your goals.

Rochester residents are encouraged to register online at and registration information and paperwork are also available at City Hall, 30 Church St. at the Communications Bureau, Special Events, Room 203A.

The Inspiring Success series of conferences started with a formal evening for young women, when they could meet with professional women, network and learn about options available to them in the broader community.

That conference was soon followed by a second that brought young men into contact with successful professional men for a similar program. This latest conference, Inspiring Our Community: Today, tomorrow and always!, is the latest addition to that series. More information on the series is available at
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