Southwest Tribune's Parent Company Brown Publishing LLC is set to release part one of Cataclysm, its 'first' SCI-FI (science fiction) trilogy by e.m. contini. (See Facebook page 'Cataclysm' for details).
The company is also in the latter part of its second year of producing Southwest Tribune Newspaper.
Since opening day in 2017 of the newspaper, support from the community and throughout the Greater Rochester Region and surrounding bordering cities have been tremendous.
Our Newspaper's Mission, to present a balance view of relevant news to build bridges among diverse populations- is popular among our diverse community of readers.
Our Motto and Duty continues to be:
-News You Can Use-
Information About:
-Resourceful news YOU can relate to that's happening in YOUR city, town, community or neighborhood;
-Top paying Jobs and Internships for Youth and Adults; (Facebook page: Southwest Tribune Job Announcements)
-How and where to go to get information and resources that are provided by YOUR local and federal government that's geared to foster prosperity among its residents and families; (Facebook Page: Rochester, NY Black History)
-Intellectual and informative articles and of'course FACT BASED NEWS! (Facebook page: Southwest Tribune)
However, we STILL NEED your help and support at a more increased level.
In order for us to keep doing what we do, we need you guys to:
If you LIKE an article SHOW YOU LIKE IT with an emoji and continue to SHARE IT with your friends and relatives and encourage them to SHARE IT also!
BY DOING SO: This brings more VALUE to our work and brings more Value to OUR communities, cities, and neighborhoods by telling those who seek your consumership that Southwest Tribune is a important resource serving YOUR community.
This is 'more' beneficial than DONATING money personally or through a GO Fund Me. In this model the beneficiary is the Community.
So, if we are doing GOOD WORK that's BENEFICIAL to OUR city, residents and neighbors, PLEASE continue to LIKE and SHARE Southwest Tribune's Facebook Pages, Articles and resourceful information with others, so we can continue to deliver two times more than we do now and is able to grow and create other ways to serve YOU, beyond 2019.