Statement From Communication Director James Smith Regarding Soccer Stadium

"The City of Rochester has been negotiating in good faith to find a path forward at the stadium. In attempting to overcome the stadium operator's default on the provisions of their lease, the City's primary focus and mission has been the protection of city taxpayers and their interests. After half-a-dozen tentative agreements, the negotiation became one of ever-moving goal posts with no end or resolution in sight. While the stadium operator felt it was okay to cease their soccer operations in order to save dollars, they are now seeking a court order to deny city taxpayers a similar opportunity, which seems patently unfair. No one is entitled to a taxpayer-supported subsidy and the City will not allow the hardworking residents of our community to be taken advantage of. The City of Rochester will now seek appropriate legal remedy to protect our taxpayers and their approximate $600,000 per year investment in this publicly-owned facility.

-James P. Smith, Director

Communication & Special Events
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