Monroe County Executive Cheryl Dinolfo announced the 10th Annual RochesterWorks! Career Conference and Job Fair will be held on Friday, January 12, 2018 from 10:00am-2:00pm at Monroe Community College. The event is one of the largest events for jobseekers in Monroe County.
“As Monroe County Executive, one of my top priorities is to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to obtain a good paying job,” said Dinolfo. “I am proud to stand with RochesterWorks! to host Monroe County’s largest career conference and job fair. There are many job opportunities available right here in Monroe County and we are helping make the connection for people looking for work in our community.”
The 10th Annual RochesterWorks! Career Conference and Job Fair is sponsored by Monroe County, Monroe Community College, the New York State Department of Labor and ACCES-VR. Seventy-one participating employers from a variety of industries including healthcare, manufacturing, food service, and education will be looking to hire from the local workforce in Monroe County.
In addition to seventy-one hiring employers, RochesterWorks! will also host informative panels for jobseekers and resume and application workshops to aid individuals in their job search.
The event is free, open to the public and registration can be completed online at www.eventbrite.com/e/10th-annual-rochesterworks-career-conference-job-fair-tickets-38849602206.
What: 10th Annual RochesterWorks! Career Conference and Job Fair
When: Friday, January 12, 2018 – 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Where: Monroe Community College – R. Thomas Flynn Campus Center
1000 E. Henrietta Road
Henrietta, NY 14623